Wednesday, April 9, 2008

McCain on Social Issues

This video is when Senator John McCain answers questions on social issues from Opinion Page Editor Guy R. MacMillin during a Keene Sentinel Editorial Board interview which takes place on December 3rd, 2007. The Sentinel is a newspaper which is located in New Hampshire.

In the first part of the video the editor asks presidential candidate John McCain on his opinion on one of the most important issues that might as very well decide the upcoming election and that topic is abortion. McCain starts off by saying that he would not criminalize abortion. He gives an example that he would not put a young woman into jail because she decided to have an abortion, but he does state that he would not agree with this young ladies discussion, and McCain believes that life begins at conception and therefore if a young women decided to have an abortion that they are killing a young life. I agree here with McCain because you shouldn’t punish a young woman with jail time when they decided to have an abortion because you don’t know the circumstances of her abortion. You don’t know if she could raise a child with her economic status or if she was raped and she really didn’t want to have a child, or maybe there is no father figure with this future child. McCain also talks about how a young woman can still have the baby and then just not be the mother, if she so chooses to do. He gives options such as putting the baby up for adoption and things along those lines. I agree with McCain here because if someone doesn’t want to have a child they shouldn’t be forced to. Also, this couple should be allowed to give away their child if they feel that there child would have a better life in someone’s hands.

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