Wednesday, April 23, 2008

McCain on the Death Penalty
This article talks about where John McCain stands on crime and what type of punishments should be given for those crimes. The one crime and punishment that I would like to talk about here in this blog forum, is the very important issue which is the death penalty. John McCain is a strong supporter of the death penalty, at both the state and federal level. Also, McCain supports “a more broaden use of the death penalty: -Impose stricter penalties for violent felons -Increase spending to build more federal prisons -Impose "truth in sentencing" for violent criminals so they serve full sentences -Support programs to provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related skills and job-placement assistance when released.” This is a very controversial issue, and one that will be debated in the upcoming election, and I am not quite sure where I stand on this issue but at this moment right now I am on the same side as McCain. The reason why is because if you kill someone, I believe that you should be sentenced to death, so basically I’m taking the stance or the side that talks about “A Life for A Life”. But then again, I think only in certain circumstances that someone should be given the death penalty, it should not be given for a robbery, or if someone is caught dealing drugs, because those are certain crimes that are not deserving of ending their life. But then also I’m a big supporter of giving people another change, because I have been given second changes in my life, and who I am to say that other people should not be given that second chance that was granted to me. So finally in terms of the death penalty, I do not think that the death penalty should be given at the state or federal level but more at the individual level, and that you should take ever person different when evaluating if they should be given the death penalty.

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