Tuesday, April 29, 2008

McCain on Free Trade


A recap of Senator John McCain’s view on free trade and its benefits can be reviewed in USA today, written by David Jackson. McCain claims that “Protectionism devastates the economy.” Additionally he says that “When new trading partners can sell in our market, and American companies can sell in theirs, the gains are great and they are lasting.” The benefits out way the negatives and we cannot become isolationists.
McCain’s doesn’t plan to just sit by and watch American jobs go over sea; he stresses the importance to outperform the competition. McCain discussed the steel company in Youngstown Ohio, and how we as the people need to come up with innovative ways to increase prosperity, especially areas that have been despondently left behind in the rapidly changing global economy.
On the hand other the Democratic Party takes a completely different stance. The democrats feel that it is too easy for employers to move jobs oversea, which we can see taking place in the industrial jobs. In addition both candidates of the Democratic Party support the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico. Who is right you be the judge?
I agree with McCain, even though many jobs may seem or even be at risk because of free trade, history proves when we take and isolationist stance our economy drastically drops. I think it is important to have a free trade based economy, and we must work towards keeping industrial jobs on American soil.

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